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Because I am in one of those writing heavy modes again (. . . so, so close . . . normal writing update tomorrow), I spent my morning and evening time working on revisions. So for my post tonight I’m going to keep it short and practice some gratitude. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. There’s not really an expiration or ceiling on gratitude and this is the season where gratitude sings.

  1. For those brief, fleeting, wonderful moments of flow-state writing
  2. For Reese’s Puffs, because I have not kicked the addiction after all
  3. And speaking of addictions, to Diet Coke, to which I out loud whispered “I love you” to my morning can while at my work desk
  4. For candles that smell like apple cider
  5. For water, hydration, more water, clean water
  6. “Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” – Roald Dahl
  7. For picture books about cute ponies that remind warriors to be cuddly
  8. For cuddly cats
  9. For my really cool new Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Mondo poster front and center in my living room
  10. For early bedtimes (who am I?), but yes, for early bedtimes

With Love,
