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Morning silhouettes the treeline
Outside my glass balcony doors
Every day I watch from the corner of my eye
The night gradient into day
And if you’re looking for small miracles
This one happens like clockwork

He wanted to run North
My book tells me
Even though it’s the harder route
The slower route
All for the poetry
Of running with the Spring

I feel that direction in my bones

I rest the microwaved heat pack
Between my bare thighs
And squeeze what warmth I can
From the cloth and beads
The sky is pure blue now
Rimmed with an orange glow
Telling me it’s time to move soon
Out into the February chill
I’ll run faster until I’m warm or until I’m home

In two days I’ll run beside the ocean
And watch the sun set beneath the waves
But mornings everywhere hold their quality
The shadow into color and lightened sky
I can’t believe I spent so many years
Sleeping through the sunrise

With Love,
