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We hike over six miles through quiet wooded trails. The Glenwood Dunes Trail crosses two ancient dune ridges that were created as Lake Michigan receded over 11,000 years ago. Our feet get sandy again. We pass one person in the three hours we spend walking counterclockwise around the map . . . there’s supposedly never a wrong way to go around a trail but this one comes with instructions. 

After snow yesterday, today it was warm and sunny. I carry too many beverages in my backpack and we stop at points to snack on leftover puppy chow and make dinner plans. It’s peaceful and for long stretches the three of us are in our own thoughts. 

We are exhausted by the end, and pick up fried chicken and assorted sides on our way back to the Airbnb. We had a late night — of fun, feelings, and a little too much bourbon on my part — so after the slow morning the long afternoon hike has wiped our energy. In a good way though — sometimes there’s nothing to do but to rest or do whatever you and your body wants to do. That’s a luxury of vacation days and I’m trying to take full advantage. 

It’s our last day together tomorrow before we head home on Saturday, so for now all I want to do is soak in the gratitude of great friendship. 

With Love,
