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A small short story for a pretty high emotion workday for me:

We had an outside facilitator lead our leadership meeting today. An eight-and-a-half hour Zoom call meeting. I like the facilitator a lot, but at one point she was reading off a list of commitments or truths and to get us hyped wanted us to put our hands up and say “amen” after each one.

And I am all about rah-rah and team building and I think you should, in general, get into things you can’t get out of.

But also I was like “I can’t say ‘amen’ in this way, I’m gay.”

So I just snapped my fingers instead.

And yes, I know being gay and not being religious are not mutually exclusive, but it’s not where I’m at and it was jarring to hear in a work context.

I guess that’s what you get when your team is based in Texas?

Next time I’ll suggest the preferable alternative: “Fuck Yeah.”

With Love,
