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I’ve been feeling off this weekend — like I said yesterday, the need for rest is all-consuming. But resting my body because I need to let my foot injury heel has the fun side effect of driving me a little bananas. I’ve been moving so much recently that not moving has me thinking I’m sick or sad when really I’m just worn out and lacking the energy I usually get from daily running.

I know, I know. There are other things you can do. As much as I preach self-compassion it’s hard sometimes.

So I’m going to do some end of the week gratitude again to focus on the good:

  1. Taylor Swift’s rerelease of Fearless. I can’t believe we got three new TSwift albums in a year. What a gift.
  2. Talking about said rerelease and Taylor Swift’s discography with my best friend.
  3. Talking with my best friend.
  4. A Friday night Among Us game to blow off some steam.
  5. Spider-Man fanfiction.
  6. The rain last night, pattering against the window as I went to bed.
  7. Amazing local takeout (comfort) food.
  8. Getting all the work I needed to do done today (while listening to TSwift).
  9. Dancing.
  10. One week until vacation. Breathe.

With Love,
