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It’s like we were inside the fireworks
They shot directly over our heads
Boomed and scattered across the night
Trails of golden light . . . trails of fire . . .
They orb around us on their way back to earth
I felt the debris on my thighs, my arms
It didn’t hurt, but my mother tells me to keep my mouth closed
After a piece hit her lip
Some of the shrapnel is still burning
A few people scream, get up, leave
One firework misfires too low
And then another
But it’s okay, I am laughing, this is spectacular

I have never cared about fireworks as much
As I did last night when I felt the explosions
Rumble in my bones and the colors dominate my vision
Like I was becoming part of them
Not an observer of apocalypses
But a participant

They say:
Here is joy — I dare you to ignore it
Even if it fucking kills you

With Love,
