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“What’s the good news?” my parents ask to start the conversation. “We want to hear good news.”

I like the demanded positivity. Bad news seems to compound. If we don’t take a moment to recognize the good news, it overwhelms. In reality, life is much more of a balance. Most of it neither “good” or “bad”.

“What’s good this week, team?” I ask at a company meeting. We meet as a team every Friday to give out shout outs and appreciation. Some weeks the faucet of gratitude flows. Some weeks the question hovers, hovers, hovers. “What’s good this week, team?”

“What’s the good news?” my parents ask.

I talk for a minute, but then I find it. There. Positivity. Good things happening. It sets the tone.

It’s not always easy to be grateful, positive, happy. Sometimes the silence sits. Let it sit. Have faith that the good is rising to the surface before cutting off its chance at air by saying “nothing” or staying silent.

Demand gratitude. Demand positivity. It’s your day, it’s your mindset, it’s your goddamn life. And it’s a good one. See it?

With Love,
