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In Door County, you go with the weather’s plans rather than your own. But today, the weather was beautiful, the lake was calm, and we took out my parents’ boat for an evening cruise along the shoreline. The boat and it’s motor are older than my parents, so they won’t quite sure it would start. It hadn’t been out all summer and my dad was thinking of getting rid of it since it wasn’t getting much use.

Well, that boat (her name is Mary), must’ve got wind because she started up right away. Clearly she wanted to be out on the water too.

Even at full speed, we were not going that fast, but it is mighty meditative to travel over a glassy lake, motor humming, as the sun starts to set. Barely anyone else out on the lake, we went from the boat launch along the shoreline road my parents live on to wave at any neighbors on their porches and then down to my condo complex to see my new backyard from the water.

All in all we were probably out there for about forty minutes. An advantage of the small boat is that it’s easy to launch and bring in, so doesn’t feel like a big ordeal to take out for a short jaunt.

I feel like I could go to sleep right now, I’m so relaxed afterwards. We’ll have to do it a few more times before the season is over. Clearly Mary’s eager to show her value!

With Love,
