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My friend and coworker had his last day at the company today after a decade (to the day) of service. It was an emotional day for a lot of us. For him, of course. It’s a positive transition for him to start a new chapter, but ten years of your life means something. For all of us who’ve worked with him for a long time — myself, six and a half years — all our emotions are bubbling to the surface.

Our company meeting was basically an open cry session as we watched a video a few of us had done reflecting on his contributions to the company and what he meant to us.

Endings are hard.

But my friend once told me, right when I needed to hear it, that just because something ended doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth it. That was back when I used to think things had to last forever. Relationships. Beliefs. Traditions.

I’m learning to accept seasons. To accept change. To take each chapter and treat it as precious as it is . . . the story keeps on going.

I know endings are beginnings too. But I do think we should honor the ending. Mark time. Give thanks to what each movement in our life gave to us. There is a ceremony I need to say goodbye in order to move forward. And then we move forward.

With Love,
