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A short piece of advice and a reminder for myself that I got from Tabitha Brown. This is the sign off she does to all her videos on Instagram: “Have the most amazing day. But even if you can’t have a good one, don’t you dare go mess up anyone else’s.”

We all have an emotional wake the impacts everyone around us. We talk about this in our leadership program at work, but it applies everywhere. We are constantly bumping into one another’s emotions — good and bad. What’s often missing is the accountability for that impact.

This isn’t a “keep everything inside and don’t share your feelings” advice . . . this is “don’t cross boundaries” advice. Don’t take it out on other people. Don’t lay troubles on other people who have not agreed to (or cannot) be your support.

Find your people, use the resources, do the self work, ask for help. And mind your emotional wake.

With Love,