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Emotional Labor is part of my job description. Literally. As HR, managing people emotions while keeping my own composure is a day to day reality. Though lots of people perform emotional labor in their roles without the official line item (see here for a good definition of emotional labor).

I think I’m generally well suited for the emotional labor aspect of the job — I’m empathetic and care about people and am totally fine lending an ear or doling out advice all day long. But fuck if it isn’t exhausting.

I am exhausted. It’s nothing a movie, a glass of red wine, a cookie, and a quiet weekend ahead won’t fix. On the range of emotionally exhausting weeks, I’ve had at my job this one probably doesn’t even make the top ten. But still, we go through waves where the “people” part of my job crests and this is one of those times.

We are a people-first, feel your feelings kind of company which means I keep kleenex, chocolate, and whiskey in my office and frequently offer all three to my armchair guests. Actually I used all three today alone.

I think it’s important to name it. If you’re doing emotional labor, call it out, at least to yourself and make sure you’re doing the real self-care to manage that going forward — or set boundaries so you’re not carrying that burden.

I’m going to manage mine by reading some fanfiction now.

With Love,
