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Dipping my toe into writing research in the 1950s. Early findings.

The average weekly income of a teenage boy in the mid-1950s (allowance plus job earnings) was $8.96.

Caseworkers for foster children were called Visitors.

There is a Leonardo DiCaprio movie called “The Boy’s Life” that I’ve never heard of that I should probably watch.

Popular jobs for teenagers in the 1950s included flipping burgers, mowing lawns, and working as gas attendants.

Teenagers in the early ’50s were called “Depression Babies” and Life Magazine called them “The Luckiest Generation” in a 1954 profile . . . of course they were only talking about middle-class white teenagers.

1940’s pickup trucks are very ugly to me.

I’m doing a little writing, team. We’ll see what comes of it.

With Love,