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I met my friends/coworkers at Settle Down Tavern today. It’s a burger restaurant just off capital square in Madison. And it was quite good. I had a mocktail with my burger and picked at the cheese curds the others ordered for the table.

I will say that even after living in cities for a decade, now that I live in a rural area I don’t miss city life. Mainly the traffic. I don’t miss navigating highways daily. Or finding parking in a crowded downtown. It all worked out relatively easily, but still.

I walked with the group back down State Street to their car and we stopped for some Chocolate Shoppe Ice Cream. Nothing like s’mores ice cream in a waffle cone on a hot summer day. A little too hot (or rather, humid) for my taste actually, but by the time I went back up State Street and made it to my car I was sweating and almost overheated, despite all the water I’d been drinking. I guess ice cream doesn’t help with hydration? But no regrets.

As much as it’s nice to switch things up, I like being home in Egg Harbor best. Headed back in the afternoon tomorrow.

With Love,