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This is random, but I can’t stop thinking about this very 2010 video explaining the basics of quantum physics through the Double Slit Experiment.

It came from, of all places, a running Facebook group I’m part of in a “Tough Love Tuesday” post explaining how mind over matter can help your running. Thinking running is hard, makes running hard. Thinking running is fun, makes running fun . . . well, that’s the gist anyway.

I was more caught up in this bad animation that explaining how quantum physics is basically magic (I’m sure there are better-animated videos out there. . .) I know I’ve run into this before but as someone who stopped taking science class after high school, I admit I don’t think about quantum physics very much. And when it’s mentioned in Marvel movies it’s hard to tell what’s actually true.

In any case, if you, like me, could use a brush up on how baffling the world is, give this a watch:

With Love,
