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It’s Fourth of July weekend in Door County — which this year means that the weather is beautiful and as usual there are way too many people up here. But also, Zia is here! So I can deal with the people.

My mom and I took a walk up the bluff to avoid the “traffic” and got a little more sun than planned, but it feels so good to have a quintessential Door County summer day. Once Zia and her sister Em arrived at the cottage this afternoon we’ve been hanging out, took a tractor ride, and are now listening to Taylor Swift while my dad asks trivia questions about her. We’re doing a little cookout with some strawberry pie and then are headed to fireworks this evening.

I tried to get Z to guest blog this, but alas. Instead, she’s eating whipped cream while I type in the middle of busy kitchen. It’s nice. All of it. Especially after this last week.

I’m feeling like myself again.

With Love,