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I tried DMing for the first time tonight! That’s acting as a Dungeon Master for a Dungeons & Dragons session, aka facilitating the game for the other players and helping tell the story. I think it went well — there’s so much to keep in your head and improvise and I have a million tabs open and places to type notes and promptly forget about that and just pen and paper stuff anyway.

As usual, I decided to be difficult on myself and make up a story rather than use one of the pre-published adventures. But I wanted to do something a little closer to modern day and my friend Lin said they wanted to be a Barbarian class who turned into a werewolf when they raged so I thought a more supernatural vibe was appropriate. I ended up setting it at UW-Madison at a supernatural New Year’s Eve party at a house on Breese Terrace.

We played for three hours tonight, but there’s still some adventuring left in this one-shot so we’ll have to reconvene next week.

It just feels good to be playing some D&D.

With Love,