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We learned pretty early on that virtual happy hours — at least work ones with a lot of people — need an activity. Or maybe it’s just me who hates talking on 10+ people Zoom calls. We’ve kept a standing happy hour at work each Thursday since we moved remote, with varied attendance numbers. Usually, we play trivia through Kahoot — making our own quizzes and using some of their free ones (which have proved pretty meh). We’ve tried out some Jackbox games like Quiplash too.

At the suggestion of one coworker, we switched it up today. I purchased a DIY trivia package from Get It Gals, a local Austin company, for just ten bucks. We voted on the theme and ended up with “I Love the 90’s”. I MC’d and scored the five rounds, ten questions per round. It actually worked pretty seamlessly even though we were virtual since I was able to share my screen and teams were able to communicate in their own Slack conversations. I had teams submit the answers into a google form each round so I could score.

I played 90’s music in the background as people tried to remember names of Beanie Babies, the name of the finishing move in Mortal Combat, or which year Google was founded. I was glad to be on the facilitating end. Even though I’m a 90’s baby I really was a baby . . . “I Love the 2000s” probably would’ve been a better sweet spot.

All in all it went really well, so I recommend giving these DIY trivia packages a try if you’re looking for something a group can do together. They’re inexpensive and easy to run: DIY Trivia

With Love,
