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Dinosaurs and light-up shoes — my cousin and her three-year-old son are staying with me for the long weekend. I’ve never had a child in my condo before. We got a few toys to have a round but also I have a lot of toys already — fidget things on my desk, all my D&D dice, and plenty of stuffed animals. Not to mention my condo aesthetic is basically “interests of a 12-year-old boy”.

Casen has already decided that this is his home too. He very well might do that everywhere but still, I’m glad he’s happy.

It’s also fun to play with kids — it’s basically just a constant improv exercise of dinosaur fights. Who’s not game for that?

Tonight the rest of the kids arrive — all the little cousins — eight of them all under seven years old. I’m excited, but also glad that only one of them is staying in my space.

I may need another Diet Coke to keep my energy up.

With Love,
