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I finished watching season 2 of Dickinson today (a little late, but just in time for the final season to premiere in November). My friends introduced me to the show back in April and I’m not quite sure how to describe it.

It’s about Emily Dickison (starring Hailee Steinfeld) and follows her life and family in Amherst, Massachusetts in the 1850s. It kind of has Bridgerton vibes — in that it takes a more modern approach in a historical setting — but turned up 300%. Completely modern music, tongue-in-cheek current references, and a quirky irreverent style blended with a complete reverence for creativity and poetry. And it’s so blessedly, explicitly queer (where Bridgerton failed us).

There’s your history lesson if you needed one: Emily Dickinson was super gay.

But on the whole, not a lot was known about her life, so the show takes liberties to explore. And bless them for it.

The show is available on Apple TV which I’m assuming we all have because that’s where Ted Lasso is as well (we’re all watching Ted Lasso, right?).

With Love,
