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In the midst of this craziness, I got to see my dad today. He’s a pilot and still working right now which means this was actually a hard decision for us to make when he had a full day layover in Austin today. In theory, he could be a carrier for the virus — he certainly has more opportunity to be exposed than anyone else in my life right now.

So I’m just going to throw this out there for good measure: fuck this whole situation. fuck.

I hate that we even had to consider it so closely to see each other when we live far apart. It almost looked like we wouldn’t meet up; it was supposed to rain all day and even though I was close to saying screw it and have him come to hang in my apartment. My parents are being rightly level-headed and we weren’t going to meet in an enclosed space. This morning when we checked in and checked the weather, we decided to meet at the Shoal Creek Trail for a walk before the rain came in the afternoon even though it was a pretty cold and dreary morning.

It was so nice to see him and go for a long walk along the trail, keeping the best distance we could from one another (though admittedly not six feet since we were talking side by side) and other walkers and runners. People are still out and about to get some fresh air which is nice to see; I think we’d all go insane otherwise.

But also it kind of sucks I can’t even give my dad a hug right now? We elbow bumped. Bizarre. But still good.

Afterward, I ordered carryout from Torchy’s Tacos — my first non-grocery food in over a week — and got an eerie feeling when I found wide-open street parking specially reserved for food pick up in a normally busy downtown.

I’ve filled the afternoon up with Schitt’s Creek bingeing, fanfiction, a Disney mashup youtube playlist dance party and strength workout, and starting a new book (Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi) while absently watching the rain pour down outside.

Feeling grateful, despite it all, that I saw my dad — my first in-person interaction in over a week — and one that keeps me feeling grounded.

With Love,
