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Day two of thirty, last day of the company event. Last night was fun, more fun than I planned on having, and I paid for a bit this morning. Once my coworkers got me to take that first Jameson shot, it was a slippery slope. I hadn’t really planned on drinking much but that’s a hard sell on your “dirty 30” birthday, so I leaned in and joined the party and the after-party. Though I was far from the last one up. I was in bed by midnight where some people really pushed it into the morning. Among lots of laughter, the night also involved tarot card readings on the outside porch of the hotel bar. Incense was lit and I got the a solticie past/present/future reading from my coworkers.

This morning I dragged myself out of bed and led two workshops that went better than I expected for how tired I felt. They were chill, introspective, and actually a really lovely way to connect with one another before we closed. The first one was a mid-year check-in for the annual word of the year workshop I do. The next was “Living Into Our Values” from Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead where you identify your core values and the behaviors that support them.

We closed on a town hall, some shout-outs, and I pushed through a quick lunch and made sure everyone was settled . . . and then promptly went back to my room to rest. And nap. Late this afternoon I got a massage at the resort spa and now I’m enjoying my lake view balcony before meeting up for dinner with a coworker.

I’m exhausted, a little daunted by the work that has stacked up over the last hectic weeks, but happy I could be here and see people again or meet them for the first time. Even for introverted me, it’s important.

With Love,
