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It’s been a few years since I’ve done a cycle (or spin) class. Back in Austin, I took a couple at my gym, but I preferred the other cardio classes like Zumba or Kickboxing. Now, I wanted some extra accountability (and a low impact exercise to supplement my runs) and there are only so many classes at the YMCA that don’t conflict with my work schedule: so I signed up for a six-week session of cycling on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (plus a Body Pump class on Saturdays).

It’s a bit of a miracle I made it to both 6:30 am classes this week. I’ve had trouble falling asleep and I was sure my body wouldn’t let me get out of bed when my alarm went off at 5:30. But I made it. And I’m glad I did.

Cycling has not instantly become my favorite form of exercise. Far from it. But I also know the only way to really enjoy something is to keep at it. And I do enjoy waking up to energizing music and I always feel better after sweating through a good workout.

With work in another busy season, it’s important that I have physical outlets to manage the stress (and help me sleep!).

With Love,
