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I finished reading Ryan Holiday’s book Courage is Calling today. First, applause for me actually finishing a book again. I’ve had a rough month or so for reading. But this was the perfect one for this week. A healthy dose of motivation and inspiration that speaks to my own core value of courage.

This is the first book in Ryan Holiday’s series about the four virtues in Stoicism (I read the second book, Discipline is Destiny earlier this year — the others are not published yet). I like Holiday’s writing style. The book is broken into short chapters and relies heavily on stories of historical figures who embody the virtue. This book included stories from Florence Nightingale to Winston Churchill to Martin Luther King, Jr. to Leonidas of the Spartan 300 . . . and many more.

I wish I’d had a copy I could highlight — mine is from the library — there are so many passages I wish I could recall instantly in the future to fortify my heart (and my courage).

Here’s one passage I took a picture of today:

Stoicism — deep, deep courage — is there to help you recover when the world breaks you and, in the recovering, to make you stronger at a much more profound level. The Stoic heals themselves by focusing on what they can control: Their response. The repairing. The learning of the lessons. Preparing for the future. Making a difference for others. Requesting help. Changing. Sacrificing for the greater good.

I like stories about heroes and this book reminds you that there is a hero in all of us if only we lean into this virtue.

With Love,