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We had a half day Give Back day at work — people could choose to take the morning or afternoon to vote and then volunteer in their communities. Since I’m out of town and already voted, I decided to do some trash pickup in my friends’ neighborhood. The half day ended up only being a two hour lunch because I mistakenly checked work at 3pm and got sucked into problem solving until 6 . . . but it was still a successful trash pickup!

Lin and I filled a bag up quickly . . . we probably should have brought more trash bags thought we wouldn’t have been able to carry everything. People are wild — so many mini liquor bottles clearly tossed from cars on the side of the road.

It was a beautiful day here though — in the fifties, the sun was out, and we got in a nice afternoon walk. I ran along that same trail earlier before work — it’s quiet, pretty, and I always see deer in the early morning.

With Love,
