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Coins in every purse’s pockets
Accompanied by decks of cards
I guess I’d imagined I’d take out on a whim
I never have

Stationary in five different places
Blank thank you cards I never send
Or notes preserving my friends’ handwriting
Packed in five different places

A mirror I made in elementary school
Framed with clay and ducks, one long broken off
I’ve kept it forever
Now I can’t imagine why

Along with the fake bouquet of black roses
My friends ordered for me online
After a drunk confession
Over four years ago
They were nice
But it’s time to say goodbye

Dust, dust, dust, dust
Broken shoes
Shirts with holes in them
Lanyards from HR seminars
With cheap swag bags

A portable file holder
Has papers from four, five
Seven, nine years ago
That I’ve never looked at
Never needed

I buy new boxes
And packing tape
Three days left
And I find another hiding spot
For a handful of coins

With Love,
