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Tonight, I walk down to the docks
There’s a storm blowing in across the water
But I chose not to be afraid of the waves
I said, Onward

I take a fleeting glance at the sun
As it sets behind dark clouds
I think: I’ll come back here to remind myself
The sun is still there, even when I can’t see it
Go high enough and even hurricanes
Give way to the blue sky

Tonight I pull the Ace of Wands, reversed
And fear that means my green light has turned to red
But there’s another definition
‘Clouded joy –
The wonder and happiness exists
Even when we cannot see it in front of us’

And when I put my cards away
I see the bottom of my deck
And there’s the Sun

I collect signs like deep breaths
Count them up to pass the time
Count them up like prayers for peace
And wait for the storm to hit the shore

With Love,
