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Nothing has gone as planned this week — I would categorize the extra stressors and mishaps as comical if I still didn’t have more days left in my cross-country move with more opportunities to tempt fate — but despite that, I did a very adult thing today and closed on a condo in Door County. Like, it is a property I own? It feels very adult, tempered by the fact that my parents have kindly handheld me through this process.

Speaking of, my mom is here with me now and wow did I need a mom to help me get through the final bit of packing and move prep. My mental energy is running low after navigating a hectic closing process and she is, as always, a lifesaver to my sanity.

We’re winding down tonight — almost there — and I’m sure my updates will be shorter as we deal with some long days of movers and then driving in the weekend ahead. But it’s happening. We’re getting there. And I own a condo!

With Love,
