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Today, advice from my brother
Who gave me a gift on his birthday
When he was nine or ten or eight
Colored sand in a bottle
Purple and pink and yellow
Maybe, I don’t have the bottle
But I have that thought
He gave me a gift on his birthday

There is a passage in
House on Mango Street
About sisters:

“Look at that house, I said,
It looks like Mexico.
Rachel and Lucy luke at me like I’m crazy,
But before they can let out a laugh,
Nenny says: Yes, that’s Mexico all right.
That’s what I was thinking exactly.”

That’s what I was thinking exactly
When we walk by the water
And see not the same memories
But close, close enough, closer than anyone else
We like the same movies
For different reasons
Like we share parents and home and pets and holidays
And come out so very different
But close, close enough, closer than anyone else