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It’s been a while since I really got into the Christmas spirit. Our main family holiday migrated to Thanksgiving over the last decade — my dad was able to get it off and after college, I only came home for it (rather than risking potential December snow storms).

The last two Christmases my mom (and one year my dad as well) came down to see me in Austin for a quiet Christmas in my apartment. The two years before that I spent all alone. That kind of sucked. The year before that I was married but my ex and I spent Christmas with our separate families and we were in a pretty awful place.

I guess all to say Christmas hasn’t felt like the Christmases of my childhood in a long time. I know this year won’t be a complete return to that — we’re not hosting any holiday parties or doing anything exceptional — but we are getting into the spirit. I’m home and my dad is off for Christmas so the three of us can spend it together in Door County.

Today my mom and I decorated their house, pulling out boxes of decor from the garage. We played holiday music and took designing the mantel seriously. My mom had the great idea of pulling out her fancy Christmas china and replacing that with our normal plates so we can use it all month.

I’ve decorated my place too. I only have a small box of items (most hand-me-downs from my parents) but this is the first year I’ll have a tree (a smaller, fake one my parents didn’t need). Maybe it’s just after the weariness of 2020, I really want it to feel like the holiday season this year.

That’s something I took for granted growing up, but now I think you really do have to intentionally cultivate that spirit. So let’s make it ‘the most wonderful time of the year.’ If nothing else to bring in some better energy for 2021.

With Love,
