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A whirlwind of plan changes as we drive south today and my Mom and I checked into a last-minute hotel in Madison a little bit ago. Covid-19 strikes again in the family (not to me or my mom) and we find ourselves a little displaced a Christmas but we rearranged the location of our small family party for tomorrow and are carrying around most of the food in the car.

The important thing is that we have our Spider-Man tickets for tonight and my mom is going to pick up pizza right now.

I did a rapid at-home test last night just to be safe since I was in a movie theater last weekend. Negative and feeling fine. But omicron is no joke.

Christmas always feels a little weird — maybe because we emphasize Thanksgiving so much in my family, at least since I’ve been an adult. This year is no exception, but I’m still grateful to be spending it with my mom and to get the chance to see my grandparents tomorrow before heading back home. And movies on Christmas is a childhood tradition – we used to always go on Christmas Day, sometimes on Christmas Eve too.

I have more than most — love and family and food and Spider-Man. What else is there, really?

Merry Christmas!