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A calm and quiet Christmas Day, exactly what we needed I think. Just three of us, hanging out. We start with my mom’s ham and cheese quiche for brunch. It’s the best, to no one’s surprise:

Christmas Brunch

We watch the Matilda musical that premiered on Netflix today. Then the sun is out for the first time in weeks and the wind has died down so we go in the hot tub and take it in. A bald eagle soars overhead, back and forth as he catches the wind for half a minute.

We play cribbage in the sunroom. We FaceTime with our family in southern Wisconsin, my brother passes the iPad around from person to person. We curl up in the living room and rest and chat. We eat leftover perogies. We go through an old photo album, 1992-1996.

It feels like Christmas Day, the world at a stop. Full of love and gratitude for my family.

With Love,
