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I pulled a card yesterday from the Wisdom of the Oracle deck, divination cards gifted to me from my friend Jenna for my last birthday. The card I pulled was “Chop Wood.”

I dutifully pulled out the guidebook that came with the set. The card’s essential meaning is “being grounded in everyday experience, humility.”

Meaning, I believe, is found where you give it, and as I read on I knew I was supposed to hear this message. Here’s the first line: “There are times where the big dream is meant to lie dormant in your consciousness so you can pay attention to the simple chores in your life.”

I’ve been doing some big dreaming lately, painting my future goals so colorfully that they feel real to me in a way dreams rarely do. But as I reach forwards I worry about losing balance where I stand. It’s equally important for me to stay grounded, to find joy in the every day, and to do the small chores that add up to a good life. The habits I’ve fought so hard for are easily disrupted, something I’ve found the last few days more than before, and I have old, unhelpful programs ready to keep playing if I let them.

But I pulled the card to chop wood. That means making the doctors appointments, putting in the maintenance request, going to the grocery store. It’s the little things that build the bedrock of a good life.

I’m letting the message sink in — will try to let it ground me — will keep relearning the same lessons until they stick.

With Love,