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I have a list of things I could vent about, but I’ve been thinking more and more about choosing gratitude. Not to pretend everything is perfect, but to remember how privileged I feel to have the life I do. 

This week I’m grateful for everything I’m learning in my job — about presenting and training, managing and leading, making hard calls, growing.

I’m grateful for the mentors I’ve had along the way and the peers I work with each day who teach me so much. 

I’m grateful for the sun setting a little later each day, the sunset that glows orange across the lake, we should all be so lucky.

I’m grateful for the kitchen table at my parents and how we can eat and talk afterwards, face to face, right down the road. 

I’m grateful for hot baths with candles lit and how I can wrap myself in my own arms and love my body, no matter how many miles it does or doesn’t run. 

I’m grateful for the vaccines my grandparents received. 

I’m grateful for tomorrow. 

With Love,