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One way to know you are much deeper into adulthood than you thought: someone builds you a HubSpot dashboard and you legit tear up during a meeting. The data, at our fingertips, after all these years, it’s so beautiful.

One way to know you can’t be that far into adulthood after all, thirtieth birthday approaching or not: you rip your nail open from fidgeting and hold it bloody in your lap while leading a very productive marketing and sales meeting.

I know, a little gruesome. Nobody’s perfect?

Life is a ride . . . one moment I’m preparing detailed compensation structures and growth paths, impacting financial future and career progression (for the better, I hope), and then later I’m reading My Hero Academia fanfiction tucked into my Spider-Man bedspread.

Thank god so much of adulthood was a lie and we can still be nerds and watch cartoons and decorate our homes like we would our childhood bedrooms. Or not, you do you.

I think of this C.S. Lewis quote once a week:

When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

That’s a philosophy I can get behind.

With Love,
