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I went to see Cheeseheads: The Musical tonight with my mom — a Northern Sky Theater production at their outdoor theater in Peninsula State Park.

I’ve been exhausted today, and yesterday, and the day before . . . but I pushed myself through errands and chores and a walk and following through on plans to see a show. I’m glad I did — it was a great show and banished the tiredness I’d been carrying. At least for those 90 minutes.

Northern Sky always does original shows that you can only see in Door County so they are always unique to Wisconsin and a Door County audience. This one was about a group of cheese factory workers with close ties who are trying to navigate changes of a company acquisition and playing the lottery as team bonding. It was funny. The music was great. At one point they had the audience on our feet chanting “cheeseheads”.

I haven’t been to this outdoor theater in years either and it was a pleasant reminder that it exists and I like it. If it works out I’d definitely catch some of their other shows before the summer season ends. Time is ticking now.

With Love,
