Sickness often comes at me like a train on tracks I’m shackled to … I tug at the chain but really all I can do is wait until I’m flattered. I don’t really have consistent strategies on early prevention when I get sick. I’m the person who always googles ‘how to stop a cold’ when I’m already cresting the worst of it. Then there are rumors of Emergen-C packets or Airborne or chicken noodle soup … some things are probably true.
The Purpose of Heartbreak
People come into our lives for a reason. I believe that amidst the randomness of loving and leaving and loving again that there is a purpose. Or maybe, that we give it purpose.
Alone, Not Lonely
I think it’s healthy to figure out how to be alone without feeling lonely.
The View from the Middle of the Bed
I threw off all the covers. I kicked and punched out. I woke upside down. I talked. I moved. I ended up with my shirt […]
Stumble & Keep Moving
The funk I’d been in all week broke yesterday. Funk for me = broken routines, lack of focus, unexplainable lethargy. But yesterday my body pulled […]
A Mini Fresh Start: Painting My Nails
I paint my nails a couple times a week, a relatively new routine. Most of my life nail paining was saved for special occasions or […]
I find a sanctuary on my balcony yestereve, with Einstein bulbs strung up and a blanket on my legs and a laptop on my lap where writing coming easier for once.
Impermanence. The antithesis to the forever two little girls imagined on a trampoline. We wondered about God and the blackness when we closed our eyes […]
On International Fucking Women’s Day
Awesome. This is definitely the kind of thing I want to hear from my Lyft driver while wearing a slinky black tank top and getting a ride home alone after dark.
Buy Yourself Flowers
As a kid, I didn’t understand why people sent each other flowers. I guess they were pretty but I would rather have had most anything else as a gift. Like that thirty dollars you spent on a bouquet. But as a kid I also didn’t understand why people liked chocolate ice cream so I was wrong about a lot of things.