Later blog tonight. My morning routine got thrown off at about 11:15 last night, when I was still awake, and reset my alarm accordingly. I […]
Feelings on the Pavement
My dad used to tell me to put my feelings on the pavement. To take the anger or stress or whatever angsty teenage emotion was […]
Looking for Excuses
I kept looking for excuses yesterday to stay home or go home. It’s a very middle school game for me to play, but my resolve […]
When Shit Goes Down
It’s taken me a long time to understand some basic stop gaps for shame spirals and awful news. I’m still working on it. I had to put some into practice today so I thought I’d reiterate.
Tie the Knots
It’s easy to start and maintain healthy habits when life is good. It’s necessary to do it when life is hard. My stress-level has mounted […]
Closet Purge
This coming week we’re doing a “stuff swap” at work. Hosted by our sustainability committee, this is an opportunity to bring in gently used clothes, […]
April 21st
I celebrate April 21st. I have for the last twelve years. I call it an unofficial self-care day. Or sometimes a celebration of me day. Or epiphany day. It’s meaning has changed over time.
They Were Just Dreams
This morning, I want to take a moment to bless pleasant dreams and undisturbed sleep. I have always dreamed vividly, playing out elaborate fantasies through the night. There’s a dream about red and blue kingdoms I had when I was nine I still remember (and a coincidental precursor to my adult obsession with all things red and blue).
No Need To Burn Down The House
It gives me hope. Life is not only trauma and healing. Even the memories that used to burn me don’t hurt to look at now. My therapist once said to me, about my divorce, that someday I’ll get to the point where it was just something that happened. Not fresh and acidic in my thoughts. I admit I didn’t believe her.