A Monday speedbump: Guess who has impetigo? Oh, poor baby girl With Love,Natalie
A month of a week
The start and the end A week of heartbreak and love Look for the small joys With love, Natalie
Halfway there
She rolls back to front With increasing ease — strong girl — And then gets stuck there With Love, Natalie
Stories for my daughter
I give my baby a bottle in the hour before lightAnd cry into the darkThere is a story I will have to tell her somedayAnd […]
Election night
MorMor comes over We build a fire, eat pizza Hold our fucking breath With Love, Natalie
An update
A few weeks in and … I’m loving the walking pad Movement plus focus With Love, Natalie
Someday she’ll be big enough for a high chair
A Sunday outing Bouncing at the brunch table I eat with one hand With Love, Natalie
Saturday Treat
A small luxury Half an hour in a hot tub While Dad rocks baby With love, Natalie
Growing Fast
She’s ready to move Sticks her butt up in the air Soon she’ll inch forward With Love, Natalie