I’ve watched Brené Brown’s Netflix special, The Call to Courage, twice so far since it aired two weeks ago. I consider Brown one of my core teachers and the special synthetizes all her main ideas about vulnerability, connection, leadership, and what it means to be brave and show up in your life.
To Love Things
There’s always something ahead to love. If you’re a nerd (like me) and really, really love things maybe you can identify with the cycle:
No Such Thing As Guilty Pleasures
I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. The phrase means that you should feel bad or ashamed for deriving joy from something that brings you joy. Bizarre. People throw it around when they talk about reality TV or eating chocolate. I find pleasure in a lot of things that would fall into this category, mainly tropey fanfiction.
Cheating, A Little, But Still
I have a confession to make, I’ve been skipping my morning gym time. Now I’ve been substituting it with a modified weight routine at home and have kept up my evening exercise classes. It’s been over two months since I haven’t gotten at least 10,000 steps in a day.
Practicing Practice
I lead a monthly lunch & learn series at work for past graduates of our in-house leadership development program. It’s a discussion based program where I curate content – often a First Round article or Ted Talk – and we eat sandwiches and share our thoughts. It’s relatively well attended, though I couldn’t get any interest in the month I chose the theme diversity (the general squeamishness indicative of a bigger problem).
The Best Compliment I Ever Received
Brené Brown writes that shame drives two big tapes: “never good enough” and “who do you think you are?”
Pomodoro Technique
The more I try to cram efficiency into my days, the more I see how natural distraction comes to me. Even things like picking up a book and reading I’ll find myself getting distracted by thoughts before I pick up the book. As I wrote about previously, I’m interested in doing more deep work and decreasing my phone time every day. All in all, strategies like scheduling focused time, locking my social apps during the day, and shutting my office door occasionally have helped.
Alone, Not Lonely
I think it’s healthy to figure out how to be alone without feeling lonely.
The View from the Middle of the Bed
I threw off all the covers. I kicked and punched out. I woke upside down. I talked. I moved. I ended up with my shirt […]
Stumble & Keep Moving
The funk I’d been in all week broke yesterday. Funk for me = broken routines, lack of focus, unexplainable lethargy. But yesterday my body pulled […]