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New spaces take breaking in. The smell of you in your favorite couch blanket. Your personality on the walls or in a nail polish carpet stain. Where you hang your keys or put your shoes. Flipping on the light switch you mean to on the first try.

In the saga of getting settled in my new condo in Door County, I am early in the breaking-in stage. My stuff hasn’t arrived yet from Austin, so I’m living on whatever I brought with me in the car (mostly my cats, one suitcase, and my sword for some reason . . . but not my social security card? . . . some interesting choices were made), the furniture I bought with the condo, and whatever I need from my parents’ house and their abundant generosity and helpfulness. That said — I really want my stuff. The posters and the plates and more than my two pairs of shoes. It will arrive . . . eventually? Honestly, that part is scarily unclear right now, but one thing at a time.

This weekend was the first time I spent significant time on my own in my new place. Today, I played video games over breakfast, hung out with the cats, did a long cleaning session, went to Sturgeon Bay for a few groceries, watched my show . . . normal Sunday activities.

That’s what breaking in a place looks like, just being normal within in it. Taking care of it, relaxing, having your cats both try to climb on your chest when you lie on the couch.

With Love,