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A quick update … I have technically finished my shitty first draft/trash draft! It was cutting it close but waiting for mom’s flight to get in helped me knock out some final scenes in the airport terminal.

And wow, is it a disaster. But I’m also kind of happy with it? The more I wrote this past week the more some of my larger questions about the story started to crystallize. I feel like I have a good place to start for the summer of rewrites.

Mostly I’m just happy to email it to my friend (for accountability, not reading) and spend some time with Mom this weekend in Chicago, knowing that my characters can rest for now.

I owe a huge shout out to my friend Lin for our shared deadline. I would have dragged my feet for a couple more months if not for their own commitment to writing and timelines.

Here’s to finding passionate people and to getting your ass in gear.

With Love,


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