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I started Baldur’s Gate 3 tonight — a D&D-style video game set in the Forgotten Realms that’s gained popularity this year. A few people have been telling me to play it, so here we are.

I decided to go with a Rogue character class again — my first D&D class and one I really enjoyed playing. I made a nonbinary Drow rogue named Nic and jumped into the game. And promptly was reminded how bad I am at most video games. I didn’t play enough growing up (besides Mario Kart) and I don’t seem to have the same instincts others do. I died within the first five minutes after destroying a brain and then blindly slashing at toxic containers. I didn’t do that the second time around.

We’ll see if I keep it up but it was something new and will allow me to participate in our video-games slack channel at work beyond organizing times to play Mario Kart.

With Love,