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This weekend has been exactly what I wanted . . . and I didn’t really know what I wanted. But I’ve been able to spend a ton of time with my closest friends, hit my favorite spots, and do so at any easy and relaxed pace.

Vigilante was a blast last night . . . lots of laughter as we worked our way through different board games (Trial by Tolley, Betrayal at the House on the Hill, and Bang!). This morning I met up with Ashley for a 5-mile hike at my old Greenbelt trailhead. Afterward, we picked up Thundercloud subs (still delicious) and headed back to her apartment where Gerry and Madeline met us for an afternoon at the pool.

I came out of it a little dehydrated and sun tried despite my best efforts (and a little burned on my shoulders despite liberal amounts of sunscreen . . . Texas heat doesn’t mess around), but also with a full cup from chatting with friends all afternoon. After, Ashely and I went to get Pinthouse Pizza (another old favorite of mine), and then I drove myself over to the Lakeway Resort where I’ll be the rest of the week.

My room is . . . very cool. An Executive King with a lake view from the balcony. It’s one of the nicest rooms I’ve ever had to myself. Before I settled in for the night I did a walk around the hotel to scope out the ballroom we’ll have for our event on Tuesday and Wednesday and to take in more of the view of Lake Travis.

I have a to-do list for the morning before the rest of my team starts to arrive . . . but I am cautiously optimistic. I know the next few days are going to be exhausting, but hopefully they’ll also be fun. For now, I’m going to wind down and enjoy some solitude while I still can.

With Love,