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Celebrating accomplishing a writing goal today — I submitted to Pitch Wars! No matter what happens from here, it was a huge milestone for me to get a polished manuscript ready in time for this deadline. Earlier in the year, I don’t think I thought I could get here. Shout out to my amazing writing friends (especially Lin & Katie) for giving me the extra accountability and motivation over the summer to get a zero draft and then a revised draft ready in time.

It’s a little bit of a wait to hear if I’ll get into Pitch Wars . . . and a bit of a long shot . . . but I’m going to spend the next month working on other projects and thinking about revision plans for this manuscript. Pitch Wars or not, I’ll definitely be doing another revision before the end of the year.

I celebrated today by heading to my local bookstore and walking out with a new stack of books to add to my growing to-be-read shelf. I’ve been a bit behind on my reading pace so my plan is to pick that back up through October.

Today I switched it up from my normal genre and started reading a murder mystery set in Door County.

With Love,
