I take health for granted sometimes. Like the ability to drink big gulps of water at a time. Not tonight though. Tonight I savor that water and the real food I ate after subsisting off nothing and Gatorade sips and saltines for 36 hours.
It makes me think of that Harry Potter quote: “Why had he never appreciated what a miracle he was, brain and nerve and bounding heart?”
That’s what I think when my body crumpled around me, all systems done. And now that I’m coming back online again that’s the silver lining I find: a forced gratitude and a forced rest. I’m certainly not waffling on whether or not I should exercise with my injured knee right now . . .
So here’s a thank you to healing, and cats who keep me company, and coworkers who cover for me, and parents who check-in to let me whine.
And to tomorrow, another day a little better.
With Love,