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We — parents, brother, sister-in-law, went to Alexander’s tonight. It’s a supper club/contemporary cuisine/white tablecloth restaurant just north of Fish Creek. I’ve been wanting to check it out for a little bit and we went through the couple-hour experience tonight. There’s something nostalgic and fun about going to a place that gives you courses — bread first, then our apps, then the salad, then the entrees. We were too stuffed for dessert.

We had a couple of drinks a piece and chatted across our round table. It was fun — I don’t have occasion to dress up often — not that you need to. It’s white table clothes but the bartender was wearing hunting camo overalls so . . . welcome to Wisconsin.

It gives me a similar feeling to going to the Alamo Drafthouse for movies. I like the unhurried dining experience — good food and good company. On occasion, of course. Most days I just want food as soon as possible.

The food was great too — we got Baked Brie as one of our appetizers and I had a hazelnut-crusted chicken dish topped with lingonberries and asparagus for my entree.

It’s too fancy for every weekend, but I would definitely go back!

With Love,