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It’s a little premature but I started an aesthetic board on Pinterest for my draft-in-progress tonight. I worked on some writing earlier this evening but I’m trying to wrap my head around the big scenes that are left. The big themes that are left. I remember writing my last story I got all the way to the end of the zero draft before I really found the emotional heart of the book. I’m feeling the same now . . . I thought I had it but I’m searching for that thread to let me all the way in.

So I went to Pinterest instead. An indulgent pass time but I’m hoping it gives me my brain time to rest and think while I pick out some writing-related pictures. (I made this one for my last story a couple of years ago).

Here’s the snapshot of my draft in progress told in pictures – I’m just calling it “running book” for now. I think it captures the general vibe.

Pictures from pinterest of running, quotes, and girls kissing.

With Love,
