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My advertisements
Populate with sweatshirts
Printed with florals
And phrases like
“Kindness without boundaries
Is self-sabotage”

The Instagram stories I tap through
Tell me to stop what I’m not doing
Tell me to love what I love
And rail at what I’m railing at
I yell at the sky
And the sky yells right back
What a bubble
Made of glass

Another advertisement:
“Grow through
What you go through”
But what’s growing through my mind these days
Is how wildly I oscillate
Between using my extending roots
As bristling barricades
Or letting them twist beyond my center
Where there are wildfires
And hearts that do not match my own
Not yet? Not ever?

Steven Universe said it best
“I want you to know you could know me
If you change your mind”
All those stories I tap through
Little prayers to be known
I, I want to be known
But do I know you?

The next advertisement is for shoes.

With Love,
