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I experimented with introducing meditation to my work this week. I was feeling the weight of the coming inauguration, plus just general stress across the company, and was trying to find some way I could give. Daily meditation has kind of become by thing so I landed on a mini curriculum to run throughout the week. It went like this:

  • Monday: Watch episode 1 of Netflix and Headspace’s collaboration introducing mediation. A twenty-minute episode explaining meditation (with some very soothing visuals) and a short exercise.
  • Tuesday: 10-minute daily meditation.
  • Wednesday: 5-minute “take a break” meditation
  • Thursday: 8-minute movement mediation
  • Friday: 10-minute mediation on creativity

They were all at different times and the idea was people could show up when they can, have their cameras off, and take a moment to breathe together. The Monday introduction was well attended and a couple of people joined me for the random meditations throughout the week. And honestly, it was probably better for me than anyone else. I don’t usually meditate during the workday but having that forced accountability to take a break and get some headspace helped me through a stressful week.

We all need that moment to step back and enjoy having nothing to do for a few minutes. Just breathe.

With Love,
