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A tribute to hard things:
May they always come
And pierce our skin
And sicken our stomach
And make us take long walks
And sweat until our heads clear
Just long enough
To find the next right thing

May we find the next right thing
In the thick of the trouble or the anger
or the shame
And stay brave enough to face it
For a moment, for another
And speak, smooth as a frozen lake
or even with a shake
In our throat and tears in our eyes
It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter

Thank you to the hard things
That keep us up all night
And stretch out our minds
Though we long for a moment of peace
When the world demands
Change, questioning, growth
Unraveling and becoming
Again and again
A terrible, perfect goddamn miracle
–is it peace we want?

A tribute to hard things
That hurt, that scar
That move us forward

With Love,
